Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Believe I can Fly!

Straight to daddy's arms after her afternoon nap!
 Saturday was a beautiful day to be outside to take in the sunshine - especially since a snow event was expected the next day!  Scott loves preparing Kristin for future roller coaster rides by tossing her in the air!  Today was a great day to reach for the sky and our little sugarplum loved every minute!

Can we go higher while Mom isn't looking?

This is so much fun!

Let's do it again, Daddy!

Yea for a day filled with sunshine!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Celebrate Luck of the Irish - Sugarplum is a Southern Girl

Yum! Yum!  

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a traditional meal.  We were told Kristin loved "bums" AKA - buns on Gotcha Day.  This has not changed - she loves any bread products and southern cornbread was no exception!  Kristin continues to eat well - only showing a dislike for green peas.  Tonight she loved corned beef, cabbage, but cornbread was her favorite!  Clearly, she is a Southern girl right here in Virginia!

Want some????  It's yummy to my tummy!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bath Time Fun

Mother Nature has planned an extended visit from winter - it seems snow is in the forecast every week!  Personally we are ready for flip flop weather and temperatures warm enough for visiting the pool or beach!  Until then, Kristin enjoys her bath time bubbles, but needs a much larger body of water for splashing.  Spring, where are you?????  We are waiting!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kristin's First Snowstorm

Spring can't some soon enough..... I am more of a flip flop girl and Kristin loves to be outside and life is easier for Boozer when it is warmer so we are anxiously awaiting warmer temperatures!  However.... Mother Nature decided to dump a beautiful snowstorm on our area - over a foot of snow falling over night into the next day!  Snow is so beautiful and we were fortunate to never lose power and have a great family day at home!   Kristin saw snow in China, but nothing like the snowfall she woke up to this morning.  Weather in Virginia is all over the week temperatures will be in the 60s!  I love a snowstorm that allows everyone to take a break, enjoy time together, followed by sunshine and warmer temperatures to return life to normal!

Boozer Boy takes a quick bathroom break!

The trees were covered in snow - beautiful!

Pondering how we are going to walk in all this snow!

Excited to see the snow in the front of the house as well!

Giving dad a break from shoveling the sidewalk and driveway!

Snowday 2013!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Kristin!

Today was a very special day celebrating Kristin's first birthday!  It began with a presentation from our church's Adoption Ministry Team in both services with each congregation singing Happy Birthday to Kristin.  Our friends, family, and church family have prayed for and supported us during our journey to Kristin which helped us make the final decision to spell her name with "in" because she has been " in" our hearts and prayers for so long!

After church we celebrated Kristin's birthday with both sets of grandparents.  Scott made the cake(s) and Kristin didn't take long to devour her smash cake!

It was a long awaited day and surpassed our expectations for wonderful memories!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Kristin - we love you so much!

  • Smash Cake- Before

Just a taste to begin with....
Birthday girl destroys ladybug head!

Pretty Yummy!!!

What????  No one told me this cake was for everyone!

Celebrating birthdays is exhausting!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pots and Pans

Recently Kristin decided to help out in the kitchen while Mom cooked dinner.  Every child loves playing with a wooden spoon and the pots and pans! Simple is sometimes best!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

First Trip to South Boston

This weekend we headed to South Boston to meet more family!  We had a great visit with Aunt Elsie and Uncle Allen on Saturday and then met more of the Wilborn family later that afternoon - Kristin's cousins were so adorable and her aunts and uncles were so excited to finally meet our baby girl.  Kristin also met her Uncle Shea and Aunt Denise, as well as, her cousins on Sunday.  Gram and Grandpa Sawyer had a special treat with triplet goats being born the day we arrived.  Kristin took in all the new sounds and sights on this quick trip to So Bo..... looking forward to more visits soon!

                               Kristin getting a "taste" of farm life!